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Linked reports are entities that reference an existing report but with different configurations. For instance, suppose that in a report named Sales Representative Performance you want to see only the numbers that apply to you. You can create a linked report based on the existing Sales Representative Performance report in which you specify your name as a parameter. In this way, you have customized a report without needing to create a new report with the same structure. Linked reports create a constant dependency on the base report. This means that the linked report has no internal .rdl file associated with it but instead takes all the report definitions from the base report. This dependency also implies that the linked report has no data source definitions of its own. The base report can be updated, however, and the next execution of the linked report will use the new report definition. Keep in mind that some configurations, such as parameter information, must be consistent. The linked report can also be redirected to a new report definition. This is useful for scenarios in which you want to redirect a report from a testing environment to the production environment. Additionally, a base report can be deleted without deleting the linked reports, and in that case, the linked report rendering process will fail.
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System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, _ System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, _ Nothing)
Implementing Secure Network Administration Procedures 11-13
For users who do not have write access to public folders but who still want to have existing reports customized for their particular needs, the My Reports functionality is the solution. The My Reports item-level role includes the Create Linked Reports and Manage Reports tasks, which allow users to store linked servers inside their individual My Reports folders without having more permissions than are required in the public structures.
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One of the most important concepts that should guide your development and imple mentation of security policy is the principle of least privilege. Using this principle means that no employee and no user of information systems has more privileges or access to information and resources than they need to do their job. This principle includes removing privileges and access when employees change jobs within the organization or when they leave the company. The principle of least privilege also means that visi tors to the organization or to any information resources such as the public, contrac tors, temporary workers, partner representatives, and so on should be treated in the same manner. No one, and that includes system administrators and IT workers, should have any more access or rights than they need to do their job. There are many ways to implement and follow this maxim. The ways can be catego rized according to those that are possible using security templates and those that require other mechanisms to implement. This subject is broad, and the following lists are by no means meant to be comprehensive. Instead, they are meant to teach the paradigm.
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Develop a strong password policy to keep unauthorized individuals off systems. Assign user rights sparingly. Reduce rights, especially access and logon rights, as much as possible. Set different rights on computers with different roles. Use security options to block access and restrict activity. Use file and Registry ACLs. Use the Restricted Groups section to force and limit membership in sensitive groups. Use the Services section to disable services and restrict who can manage them. Develop a baseline plan for every computer role and implement using templates that are imported into Group Policy Objects (GPOs) on representative organiza tional units (OUs). Apply a comprehensive auditing strategy.
In the previous code example, the fourth parameter was set with a value of NoAbsoluteExpiration. This indicates that the item should never expire. The NoSlidingExpiraton value indicates that the item expiration will never be reset. Finally, the CacheItemPriority parameter with a value of Normal indicates that the item will not be removed until all BelowNormal and Low priority items are removed. The Add method uses parameters similar to the Insert method. An example of using this method is as follows:
In Reporting Services, security is associated not only with the users who can access reports and data sources, but also with the credentials that are used to access the repositories the reports use to display data. In this lesson, you will learn about data source credentials and their impact on your Reporting Services management strategy.
Group users by role so that privileges and permissions can be granted by role. Configure ACLs for files, folders, Registry keys, directory objects, and printers to allow only the exact access any group of users needs. Physically protect servers. Allow access only to authorized personnel and screen this authorization.
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